
عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2016


Dear  Trevor Robert Anthony  I finally have had a few minutes to respond to your excellent question about why we use Hadith? I will first post your question and reply in short. I want to write it here so that others may benefit from it. Or correct me if I am wrong. "Assalumualaikum. I have a question that you may see often. I have tried to seek scholarly opinions, and still get mixed answers. Please forgive me for asking, but I really want to find the correct answer. If the Quran tells us it is perfect alone. Needs no other book. Is compete. 6:38 says nothing is left out. 6:114 says Quran is fully detail. 7:12, 16:89 and 12:111 say that Quran is a full explanation of all things. 69:44 says "had he (Muhammad pbuh) taught anything else..." Saying that he taught Quran alone. And 45:6 tells us not to use Hadith... Then why do we use Hadith?" First, let me start by citing all the verses above in full text so that we can determine their relevance to the argument that...


Note: For better understanding of these notes, please refer to my earlier response about Hadith. The following is a question from a friend. A person sent me a message after reading this explanation, asking me to ask for a clarification on 45:6. (They did not feel comfortable asking via this post). They also asked me to ask the following: "We follow the Quran and the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), but Hadith itself, was not delivered from Allah directly nor was any Hadith written by Muhammad (pbuh) himself. Many cases, they were written long after he died, so he did not have a chance to approve or disapprove them. So we are trusting a third party account of things Muhammad said/did." Response:  In order to properly respond to the points raised in this question let me start by defining what Hadith is. Hadith is a collection of reports attributed to the Prophet, often through a chain of narration, where the  names of the narrators are cited. While Hadith could mean more t...