
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2015

For the sake of world peace

There are so many wise and educated people in almost all societies. There are many open-minded people in all corners of the world. There are many tolerant and peace-loving people all over the planet. This is an asset and this asset must be used to promote good in a world that is increasingly drifting to tension and rivalries. The world is indeed in need of intelligent, open-minded and respectful people in the West to open a dialogue--a true dialogue with people in the rest of the world, especially the Muslim world to make sure that the coming century is one that sees the resolution of existing problems. Equally open-minded leaders (not existing political leaders but rather intellectuals) in the Muslim world are needed for this dialogue to be useful. The Muslim world and the West are neighbors, geographically, religiously and intellectually. To further cement those facts of history and geography, millions of Muslims live in the West as permanent communities. On the other end, a...

توقفوا عن جلد ذواتكم من أجل جرم لم ترتكبوه

حصلت أخيرا على فرصة لأستخدام كمبيوتري\حاسوبي بعد أن كنت أتابع الأحداث عن طريق الهاتف وهو ما يجعل من . الصعب التعليق عليها سيكون تعليقا منقسما إلى شقين وسيكون الأول كالتالي في البداية وعلى سبيل تقرير المبادئ، فإنني أشعر بحزن عميق لأن ١٢ أسرة فقدت أفرادا منها وللأسف لم تكن الخسارة مقتصرة على ألـ ١٢ أسرة ففي الوقت الذي جرى فيه الهجوم على الصحيفة الفرنسية، حصل هجوم في اليمن قتل فيه ما ينيف على الخمسين من الجنسين هذا طبعا  دون ذكر حصيلة الغارات الجوية في سورية، و العراق، و اليمن وأفغانستان، حيث يتبارى المدافعون عن القيم العالمية--على حد تعبير أوباما--في قنبلة هذه البلدان الإسلامية ضف إلى هذا صور التراجيديا التي نشاهد فصولها و المتمثلة في مأساة اللاجئين السوريين الذين يموتون تجمدا وجوعا تحت الثلج في خيم لا تتوفر على أبسط مقومات الحياة هذه اتراجيديها كتبها الإهمال إن لم يكن التواطئ العالمي طيلة السنوات الأربعة من القتل و السحل الذي قام به بشار ضد شعبه، ثم بعد ذلك التعاون العلني الفج بين الغرب و السفاح بشار من أجل هزيمة الدولة الإسلامية التي يراها ا...


I finally had a chance to have access to my computer. Following the world from a cell phone is a one-way process, since typing from a cell is tedious. I will comment here on yesterday's event in Paris because I do comment on events sometime. This will be in two separate notes. here is the first. First of all, and as a matter of principle, I feel deeply sad that 12 families lost their loved ones. Unfortunately, it is not just 12 families. At the same time that this attack on the French newspaper was carried out, another attack in Yemen claimed the lives of 50 men and women at a police stations. This excludes the daily toll of aerial strikes in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan by the advocates of what President Obama termed "universal values." There is also the massive suffering of the Syrians refugees freezing in tents unfit for human living. A tragedy of millions created by the tacit approval of Western powers who now coordinate with its perpetrator, Bashar Assa...

The Prophet Muhammad

He reminded people after they had long forgotten that what matters is not who their mothers and fathers are, nor who their tribes were, nor what their skins look like. He taught people that there is only One Creator and that this One Creator is Merciful, Oft-forgiving. But This Creator doesn't want them to give in to heedlessness, nor betray the precious gift He gave them, by seeing nothing but materiality and believing in nothing but the life they live, short, uncertain and  deceptive as it was/is. He urged them to remember that it makes no sense to worship one another, or to worship wealth, or to assume that they have been created by some sort of accident. He pleaded with them to think, to ponder, to look beyond what their eyes see and what their ears hear. He wanted them to read the pages of the beautiful creation around them in search of meaning, not pastime. He was brave. He was humane. He was humble. He was the best teacher, the most eloquent orator, the most brilliant ...