
I finally had a chance to have access to my computer. Following the world from a cell phone is a one-way process, since typing from a cell is tedious.
I will comment here on yesterday's event in Paris because I do comment on events sometime. This will be in two separate notes. here is the first.
First of all, and as a matter of principle, I feel deeply sad that 12 families lost their loved ones. Unfortunately, it is not just 12 families. At the same time that this attack on the French newspaper was carried out, another attack in Yemen claimed the lives of 50 men and women at a police stations. This excludes the daily toll of aerial strikes in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan by the advocates of what President Obama termed "universal values." There is also the massive suffering of the Syrians refugees freezing in tents unfit for human living. A tragedy of millions created by the tacit approval of Western powers who now coordinate with its perpetrator, Bashar Assad, to strike their common enemy, ISIS, and those living under their rule by choice or by circumstances.
Second, I don't think ideas should be fought with guns. Nor should guns be fought with ideas. Symmetry makes perfect sense unless you are forced to act in an asymmetric fashion.
Third, the act is expected. It makes sense statistically speaking that when one deliberately and repeatedly insults the most revered personality for 1.5 billions that three (3) or 200 of them may not feel like taking the high way and choose instead to take actions into their hands. This proves the rule that 1500.000.000 minus 200 preferred to respond with words to words or in fact with silence to insults.
The fact that these are freelancers who didn't consult with Muslim institutions, not in France and not outside it; the fact that they are not elected Muslim officials, not even Muslim intellectuals of any standing is significant. It is significant because it shows the meaninglessness of the global self-flagellation of Muslim leaders, intellectuals and institutions who all felt they need to condemn the act and try to stress that this has nothing to do with Islam and that no Muslim could do such a thing.
It is pathetic that every time something like this happens all Muslims would rush to condemn it, as if there is a general feeling of guilt amongst them. You didn't plan; you didn't incite; you didn't help; you didn't condone; you didn't perpetrate the act, then why in the world should you feel the debt to condemn the act?
It is ridiculous that one Muslim intellectuals had to start with a repetitive "no, no, no, no, not in my name," as if one of the perpetrators was in fact his son, his wife or his brother!
Grow up please! Don't tell me that you do this because some people will think this is how Muslims act. If they do, then be it. If they fail to note that 1.5 billions minus 3 didn't commit the act (Despite all the havoc wreaked in Muslim lands by elected Western officials, the vast majority of the West doesn't have to start their day every day with every strike on Muslim tents, shacks, huts or brick houses in the very heart of Muslim lands, by denouncing it and calling its perpetrators terrorists and enemies of "universal values"); if they fail to see that, then no amount of rhetoric will cure their blindness. Don't you see that those who choose to think Muslims are violent are the people who would think so anyhow. Don't you see that you are reinforcing the policies of the Western regimes by calling every act done by a Muslim loner or freelancer, not elected, delegated or chosen by Muslims, a terrorist act, and by justifying the colossal damage done by their elected officials as a war on terror.
If the inaction of 1.5 billions minus 3 individuals is not a sign of respect of freedom of insults, then what else is?
What should not be in our names is allowing elected officials to get away with murder and mass murder at that, like this past summer in Gaza or the invasion of Iraq or the inaction about the Syrian massacres. The French police possesses enough human and material resources to go after and find the perpetrators. They don't need your tears. If they or other haters decided to corner the French Muslims or Muslim immigrants in France in some form of, then that is when your flood of condemnation, and tears should be unleashed.
Do not teach Muslim youth and your own kids to be cowards, filled with guilt and feelings of inferiority. It doesn't help. Cowards are not moderates and never will be. One shouldn't and doesn't have to apologize or feel compelled to condemn anything they have nothing to do with. Shooting happens all the time in the West and in the rest for political or other reasons and no one faith is ever expected to apologize or condemn the act except Muslims because they always confirm they are guilty by excessive condemnations.


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