The following is a comment I posted on my facebook wall in reply to The Arab Islamists and the naive understanding of secularism , which a friend posted earlier on his page. I think that the vast majority of the Islamists in the Arab world have shown more open-mindedness, more agility, more grasp of the world around them than their 'secular' counterparts—not to mention that they seem more constructive. The exception of course are some of the extreme Salafists. Despite the enormous pressure that a regime like the one in Egypt face from domestic saboteurs and foreign meddling, there is a good chance that the Islamists will take the Arab world to a new era. There are already clear signs of change in Egypt--structural changes in the economy and also in the governing apparatus. In the meanwhile, the so-called 'secularists' in the Arab world, whose sole claim to secularism is a pathological dislike of religious ideals inherited from a chauvinist French attitude, will c...