A truce was signed today in Gaza. This is a good news for the people in Gaza who had been for the past two months under continuous aerial, sea and ground bombardment. Entire neighborhoods have been leveled, hundreds of mosques were hit, 80 of which completely wiped out, and thousands of Palestinians killed. This was a ferocious battle, one of many in the past five years. This was not war in the traditional sense because it was only one side that has the armaments, the best air force, the most powerful ally, international recognition, access to supply venues, relationship with international companies. The other side was starved, squeezed, impoverished, denied all except oxygen--the only non-commodified necessity of life. This was a war between matter and mind, between machine and human dignity. For the past five years, minds triumphed over matter. From under the rubbles-- with injured bodies, with lost ones, with grief, with sorrow, with pride, with joy, with a sense of tragedy, with