Stop the IDF (Islamic Defense Forces) onslaught on the Jewish Enclave in Gaza

In the past 19 days a Muslim army started bombarding a small Jewish enclave that has been under a tight siege for the past 7 years, denied most basic needs, suffering a complete ban on construction and other materials thought to have a dual use.

The small Jewish enclave is barely 1% of a Jewish land which Muslims have been taking gradually with a process of decimation and dispossessing.

In the current onslaught, Muslims used their advanced Jet-fighters, heavy artillery and naval vessels to reduce to rubbles entire neighborhoods. Images emerging from the enclave show a seen of utter mayhem, whole residential areas reduced to the ground and the death toll has reached 1050 and continues to rise.

Although Muslims claim to be surgical in their operation against the Jewish enclave, they have so far mostly killed civilians, including 700 women and children. The Jewish fighters, whom the Muslims call terrorists have managed to continue to defend their positions and to fire rockets at the advancing army. Despite being labelled terrorists, the Jewish defenders of the enclave have so far mostly killed soldiers in close combat operations and the material damage they caused has mostly touched tanks and other military hardware. Their missiles, the ones which Muslims claim to have downed with their 'sophisticated' Iron dome and those which escape it, appeared to be heading or falling in military areas. Muslims are severely restricting their own media and international media from reporting on their own losses as a result of these rockets falling in military zones.

So far the less technologically advanced Jewish fighters have been more precise about the damage caused to the advanced Muslim army and most of their declarations, initially refuted by the Muslims, turned out to be true. This is true of the casualties on both sides. The Jewish fighters seem to have dug deep and appear to be unaffected by the continuous bombardment from the more superior army, which seems to be firing indiscriminately. Jewish fighters have been able to penetrate Muslim lines of defense, sometime using tunnels and sometime using basic navy commandos. In all these cases of penetration, Jewish fighters headed to military targets, at one case ignoring Muslim settlers who are not only living on their stolen land, but who are also armed and trained to fight and kill them. Yet, despite the asymmetry of death toll (40 Muslim soldiers, and 1050 of mostly Jewish civilians including a high percentage of women and children in particular), and despite the evident carpet shelling of residential neighborhood by Muslims, for the free world backing Muslims, Muslims are still acting in self-defense. Jews are seen as terrorists because they have inferior weapons. The rational argument so far amongst the enlightened politicians and the intellectuals in the free world is that because the Jewish defenders of the enclave have weapons, they are responsible for the people killed by the Muslims.

The world cannot accept and can ill-afford to have people who resist stronger armies. The world can clearly see the stark deference between a small group with little weapons vowing to return the whole Jewish land taken by Muslims, and a much powerful army--in fact the most powerful in the entire region--who despite continuing to grab Jewish lands calls itself IDF--Islamic Defense Forces.


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