Science is good

Science is good, but only for this dunya and it sometimes fails to see you through because there is one extra variable, perhaps two, maybe three or more you have not taken into account. Sometimes it fails you because your moment came before you tabulate the result of your most recent lab experiment.
Of course, it is good for the Hereafter as well, but that one needs someone whose heart radiates with true light. Brain cells alone are not enough.
Science is not the anti-thesis of religion. It is simply that tool which some atheists force to assume the role of God, since they suffer from chronic cerebral anemia and cannot see beyond matter.
Science is the perfect religion for those who have no religion, and it is a useful tool for those who have one and would like to understand how their Lord ordered the physical universe around them, with a pragmatic understanding to improve their lives. However, since perfection is not a part of this Dunya atheists' worshiping of science is a temporary measure to express their jealousy (presented masquerading as contempt) of those who are able to believe in God.
Believers occasionally get fed up as well with the material luxury, and know-how that science affords to those who don't believe and may ask God to blind their binoculars. Most often God doesn't blind the binoculars, but make their users look the other way and enjoy looking their intently--while mocking God and god-damned believers. The effect is the same. It is blindness. And then comes the inevitable: death and there science has very little to say. It is silent, like all else.


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