Western governments' view of Muslims

Examining history, carefully looking at media analyses, optimistically judging Western governments domestic and international policies, one is bound to come to the following conclusions:

1- In all venues except in its foreign policy the West is largely secular and presumptuously humanist;

2- When it comes to dealing with most of the 'others' in the world, Western governments are driven by a colonial mindset;

3- In dealing with a one subset of those others--Muslims--the Western is hijacked by a medieval mindset, or worst a crusade mentality; 

4- When wearing the colonial robe one can always compromise as to widen or loosen the colonial grip on the subjects;
5- When overtaken by a medieval mindset, one sees only ghosts of saracens;

6- When the crusade mood prevails, it is time for the war on terror


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

"تحليل التراث الإسلامي"

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